
A look into my daily routine as I begin my new life as a vegetarian.  Or should I say part time vegetarian.  I will be logging in with my outlooks on my new lifestyle change and how each day is shaping up.   I am hoping that it will be a wonderful journey for the next year and beyond.

The Part Time Vegetarian.

9 responses to “About

  1. Good for you! My husband and I went vegan two years ago, and love it! It was a challenge at first and we cheated A LOT in the beginning, but it got easier over time. Now we can’t imagine going back to eating the way we did before. I’m glad I stumbled across your blog!! Celeste 🙂

    • I have been flirting with the idea for over a year. I did eat mostly vegetarian but supplemented my protein with too much cheese and eggs. I now am on a mostly vegan diet. On rate occasions I will eat meat….my partner is not a vegan. I stay away from cheese and eggs. My cholesterol has dropped to 168 and my glucose is 98. My weight has also dropped. It is a great feeling.

  2. That’s wonderful!!!! I love hearing stories like that. I personally don’t think dairy is healthful at all. It’s so funny that it’s thought of as “wholesome” in our society. Thanks for following! Celeste 🙂

  3. Best of luck to you!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. And good luck with your part-time vegetarian journey. Funny, I had a conversation with some colleagues yesterday about vegetarianism and I made the observation that I could never do it full-time. Part-time yes, but not full-time. 🙂

    • I thought that it would be hard to transition but it has been smooth. I am basically vegetarian but have dinners about once a week that are not. I do go for days eating only vegan. As the weeks go by I find myself eating less meat and eating more vegan than vegetarian.

  5. Hi, I have nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award, thank you for all of your great posts:


  6. Hi! I have nominated you for a VBA! Thanks for your posts! http://bourbonlavender.wordpress.com/

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